Personal Development

"Scouting is not an abstruse or difficult science: rather it is a jolly game if you take it in the right light. At the same time it is educative, and (like Mercy) it is apt to benefit him that giveth as well as him that receiveth." — BP

Steps to becoming a better Scouter

  1. From your Group Commissioner or Group Committee get:
  2. Choose a Coach…
  3. Assess and evaluate your current knowledge & skills.
  4. Design Your Personal Development Plan!
  5. Check the Calendar
  6. Continue to assess and evaluate

Progress Records

The Progress Records and the accompanying Learning Objectives can be found at the national website under "For leaders" and then "Forms" section as Woodbadge Basic and Advanced Learning Objectives.

Comments / Questions

Contact the Deputy Area Commissioner for Development if you have any comments or questions regarding training and development.

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