North Waterloo Area Training

Why Take Training?

The boys and girls who wear Scouting uniforms each week deserve to receive quality programs. Our younger members need knowledgeable and enthusiastic adults to arrange their activities, while our more mature Scouts desire strong, positive, and spirited adult role models with whom they can work to develop their own program. Supporting the youth and leaders are the many group committee and council members who must also be interested and knowledgeable in their roles.

Although taking training will help to ensure quality programs for the youth, training will also help YOU. Here are some things YOU can expect from Scouting Training:

We look forward to meeting you at our next training session!

Don't forget to keep track of your training on the North Waterloo Adult Training Record (10 Kb PDF) form.

You now have 2 ways to register for a course using this page

  1. Print the training form, fill it in and mail it and your cheque to the Course Coordinator.
  2. Register on-line and mail your cheque to the Course Coordinator upon receipt of on-line registration form.

1. Print the form

Print the Application for Training form in PDF format and mail it to the Course Coordinator along with the payment.

Follow these steps to register for the course:

  1. View the Application for Training form PDF file — 20 Kb or the Application for Woodbadge Basic Training form PDF file — 30 Kb
  2. Print it
  3. Fill it in
  4. Mail it to the Course Coordinator with a cheque payable to "Scouts Canada — Areas 3 & 4 Training" unless otherwise stated
  5. Enjoy the course!

2. Register on-line

You can now register on-line by following these steps:

  1. Complete the on-line form
  2. Click the Submit button at the end of the form to E-mail it to the Training Commissioner
  3. Mail your cheque payable to "Scouts Canada — Areas 3 & 4 Training" to the Course Coordinator once a reply email has been sent with payment address
  4. Enjoy the course!

To guarantee your space in any course / workshop:
Course registration + fee MUST BE received by the Course Coordinator no less than 2 WEEKS PRIOR to course date. A formal registration needs to be filled out. An email is not a registration form. You will not be officially registered until full payment is received. Refund Policy:
Course registration cancellation MUST BE received by the Course Coordinator no less than 2 WEEKS PRIOR to course date. "NO SHOW" participants will NOT be refunded.

Area Courses for 2006 — 2007
Course Date Location Cost Contact

First Aid Courses

St. John Ambulance

St. John Ambulance offers both the Standard and Emergency First Aid courses during weekdays, evenings or on Saturdays. These courses are offered at the St. John Ambulance Offices — 250 Gage St. in Kitchener: To reserve your spot in a course or for more information, contact:

Kitchener-Waterloo Branch of St. John Ambulance
250 Gage St.
Kitchener ON, N2M 2C8
Tel. (519) 579-6285


S.M.H.E.A.R.T. offers Standard and Emergency First Aid courses as well as yearly CPR updates and renewals.

S.M.H.E.A.R.T. is an Authorized Provider of the Canadian Red Cross.

Please email Name, Address, phone#, Group association (i.e.: 31st Kitchener) to S.M.H.E.A.R.T. upon receiving your information I will contact you with details for the course.

First Aid Courses
Course Date Location Cost Contact

First Aid Services
25 Ramsay Avenue
Cambridge Ontario
N3C 3B6

e-mail You can view their website< for full details and contact them by e-mail.

The remainder of this page contains descriptions of the courses listed in the table above and can be accessed by the links in the table

Woodbadge Basic Training for Section Leaders

Woodbadge Basic Training courses will help you, the leader new to Scouting or new to a section, acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful with the youth. Through hands-on, practical sessions you'll learn new craft ideas, play games, how to help earn badges, sing songs and enjoy the outdoors and have fun. You'll also benefit from information on organizing your adults, arranging camps, trips, and outings, planning an active, enjoyable, and safe program, and understanding the youth in your section.

This course consists of 5 modules which can be taken in any order. If you have already completed your Woodbadge Basic Training in another section, then you only need module 5. If you have taken a Woodbadge Part 1 prior to the last 2 years, contact your DAC-Training who will advise you which modules you will need. Basic Courses are either one weekend or several nights.

Module 1 — Intro to Scouting — 3 hours. Topics include Mission and Principles, Administration of the Section, Risk Management, Planning Tours and Visits and Reporting Child Abuse.

Module 2 — Program Planning — 3 hours. Topics include Short and Long term Planning, Resources and Program evaluation.

Module 3 — Leadership — 3 hours. Topics include Shared Leadership, Involving Youth in our Leadership teams, and Leaders' Meetings.

Module 4 — Outdoor Skills. Be prepared and Be safe. Be prepared to be outside for the full 6 — 8 hours. Topics include fire lighting, map and compass work, knot tying, purpose of a personal emergency kit, campsite layout, prevention and treatment for first aid situations, personal and camping equipment, proper disposal of cooking residues, gray water, emergency plan in place, and good hygiene practices.

Module 5 — Section Programming — 6 hours. This module may be one day or two nights. Topics may include campfire planning, ceremonies, program elements, section planning, working with that specific-age group as well as other specific topics relevant to your section like badges for the Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers.

Woodbadge Basic Training — For Those Who Help Others

Woodbadge Basic Training course — For Those Who Help Others will help you as an adult volunteer new to Scouting or new to the role, acquire the skills and knowledge needed for working with other adults in the Movement. This is a course for Group Committees, Group Commissioners, Council Commissioners, Area Commissioners, Service Scouters and Coaches/Mentors. Through hands-on, practical sessions you'll learn to provide effective service and support to the leaders. You will have the opportunity to learn more about the Scouting Philosophy, and the leadership and administrative skills necessary for your role.

Woodbadge Advanced Training

These Woodbadge courses pick up where the Basic courses end. Advanced courses are either 1 week or 3 weekends.

Coaches' Clinic

This course is for all Group Commissioners and those who are coaching new leaders through the Progress Records- the basic or the advanced checklist.

Scout Craft I & II

This is a self-taught course where leaders will learn about safety, first aid, outdoor skills and care of the environment. Level 1 and Level 2 can be worked on at your own pace. When the training commissioner or a designate assigned is satisfied that the skills have been accomplished, recognition from the course will be granted.

Sixers' Weekend

This is a chance for Cubs who are or will be Sixers to learn about their roles, helping to plan activities, being friends and helpers to the other cubs in their Pack.

Patrol Leaders Weekend

This course is designed for Scouts who are or will be Patrol Leaders. The participant will learn the skills needed to plan Patrol and Troop activities, make decisions, solve problems on their own, and be a positive role model for the other Scouts in the Troop.

Kim / Keeo Workshop

The Keeo (a Cub working with Beavers) and the Kim (a Scout working with Cubs) are very important in assisting the leaders of the sections. This course will give the youth the instructions and confidence required in the youth leadership role. This will allow them to become a very important link between the youth and the leadership team.

Venturer Executive Workshop (VEW)

A venturer company is different than any other section in Scouting as the youth at this age discover this truly is their program as they design it. This course will teach the participants what a Venturer Company Executive should do and should not do; the roles and duties of their positions; how to plan events and program; and the resources available to them to get the program they want. This course will allow the participants to take on leadership roles and a hands-on approach to event and program planning and network well with other venturer companies

Wild Education Workshops

These workshops are available to Scouters of all sections:

On in-depth handbook, which is included in the fee, will explain activities as well as reference to section program connections.

Winter Camping Skills

This informative session will enable even better camping during the winter months. It is very interesting and a means of survival. A must for scout leaders.

Song Night

Here's your chance to learn new songs and refresh your memory on the old classic campfire tunes. You'll also learn new and interesting ways of raising interest and morale by including singing into your regular program.

Spirituality Workshop

Leaders must be sensitive to the needs of ALL of the members in a group. Why not attend this discussion to learn more ways of encouraging members to grow and develop their own sense of spirituality while being sensitive to different cultures and religions?

Group Commissioner Orientation

This 3-hour workshop will provide you insight on what your role is. You will learn what your role is in volunteer recruitment and development, the practical side of servicing, and steps you should be doing all year around.

Honours & Awards Workshop

This 3-hour workshop is designed to actually have participants write someone up for recognition. The goal is to complete an application (if possible) by the end of the meeting.

Sharing Session

This practical session is for all Beaver Leaders. Learn new games, songs and crafts and meet other leaders.

Jungle Workshop

Calling all Pack Scouters! Here is your opportunity to learn how to get JUNGLE back into your regular program in a hands on fun filled way. On this course you will experience openings / closings, dances, crafts, songs, and ceremonies all in a Jungle theme.

Effective Discipline Workshop

Learn more about child motivation, behaviour and effective discipline strategies.

Youth Focus Training

This course is for Venturers, Rovers, Scouters-in-Training and Group Youth Reps from ages 14 to 26 years. This weekend course is a leadership training course developed by the National Youth committee and presented by qualified Focus Trainers. Approval by the area commissioner or designate is needed to take this course.

Venturer Executive Workshop

Attention Venturers!

Do you know what your Executive members should be doing? Are you looking for some ideas on how to make your program better? Are you looking to understand how your Executive, your Company, your Advisor, and the rest of Scouting all fit together? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then why not send someone from your Company to a Venturer Executive Workshop?

North Waterloo and Wellington Areas are offering a Venturer Executive Workshop on February 11 — 13, 2005. It will be held at Camp Barber in Wellington area (Guelph, Ontario). Each Company will be allowed to send a maximum of 2 participants, and 75 percent of the slots will be reserved for Venturer Companies from North Waterloo and Wellington until December 20, 2004. After that, participants will be accepted from any Area up to the maximum number of participants.

The course fee for the weekend is $35.00 per participant and includes indoor accommodations, meals and training materials. Participants need to arrive by 7:00pm on the Friday, and the course will be completed by 3:00pm on Sunday afternoon.

Even if you're not sure who will be attending for your Company, don't wait! Contact us and send in your registration fees to guarantee your spot in the course. For more information and to register, please contact either Albert Fuchigami ( or Jody Bell (

Group Committee Workshop

Confused as to what your job really is? Unsure of what you're responsible for? This is the workshop for you! Here you'll learn in an interactive way the answer to these and other pressing questions. How to run effective meetings, communication with others, delegation and Scouting's Administrative procedures. All you need to run an effective Group Committee.

There are breakout sessions for presidents, treasurers and secretaries.

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