This page contains most of the e-mail messages sent to those who register for the North Waterloo Area E-Mail list. You are able to see what information is distributed via e-mail and hopefully you will want to sign-up if you have not already done so. Signing-up ensures you get the information as soon as possible without having to come to this page to look for updates.
The most recent e-mails will be at the top of this page. Older messages will periodically be removed from this page. The bold date above e-mails is the date they were originally sent.
Send an e-mail to Kevin Harrington if you have a message you would like sent to the North Waterloo E-Mail list.
December 12, 2006Attention all Cub Leaders:
The Kub Kar information for 2007 is as follows:
Preliminaries: January 22 through 25th, 2007 at Scout House on Frederick Street. Times to be confirmed.
Finals: February 9 and 10, 2007 at Kitchener City Hall Rotunda. Registration on Friday, Races on Saturday.
All Leaders (1 per Pack) should send an e-mail to Jim Gerrard (do NOT reply to this message) with their preferred date and time for their preliminary races (Monday, Tuesday, etc.). They should also include the approximate number of youth attending. Early in the new year we will be in touch with the schedule for the preliminaries.
Any one looking for information is please asked to either phone Jim (519.579.2626) or e-mail me
Jim Gerrard
The NEW Standards have arrived!
*If your First Aid certification is coming to the end of its term...
*If you are wanting to update due to the new standards for First Aid...
Let me know and register for the Standard First Aid Recert happening on December 10, 2006 at Scout House from 10am-5pm.
Your MUST pre-Register.
Cost: $45.00
This course will recert Currently certified First Aiders (Red Cross or St. Johns!) with the NEW standards and extend their certification for a full 3 years.
Any Questions please contact me via email or directly by telephone.
Mike Smith
49 Gunn Avenue-
Cambridge ON N3C3V8
To All North Waterloo Members
Let’s work together to recognize the talents in our midst! In celebration of the Centennial Year, there is a related recognition that is independent of any other award and we’re looking for nominations. It’s a chance to recognize youth or adults who have contributed quality service to Scouting in the past three years. This recognition is also available for those non-scouting supporters who’ve made outstanding contributions.
What We Want You To Do
Please send us the names of any individual that is deserving of this recognition, along with a paragraph or two outlining the reasons you feel they should be nominated for this recognition. Has the nominee demonstrated excellence in program delivery, performance and initiatives, leadership or innovation through creative utilization of resources?
All nominations must be received by December 31, 2006. Please forward to:
Chuck Myers 519 578 3332 Or mail slot at Scout House
Janet & Guy Wakutz 519 888 1709
In Partnership with the Toronto Blue Jays enjoy an afternoon at the Rogers Centre to Celebrate 100 Years of Scouting.
Come See the Toronto Blue Jays play the Detroit Tigers on Sunday, April 15th at 1:07 p.m. Scouts will be involved in the First Pitch. Members will have a chance to participate in the 7th inning stretch. SPECIAL PRICING OF $20 PER SEAT ALL RESERVED TICKETS FIRST COME FIRST SERVED AND MUST BE PAID FOR BY MONDAY FEBRUARY 5, 2007.
Call: 416-490-6364 Ext. 230
We are looking for 10 candidates for the North Waterloo Sub-Camp Management Staff for CCCJ/07 at Blue Springs Scout Reserve July 28th to August 4th, 2007. Anyone interested can contact Bruce Boehmer at 519 574-2888 or email (do not "reply" to this e-mail) for further information ASAP. All interested parties must meet the screening requirements of Scouts Canada.
Thank you
October 11, 2006Dear Scouters,
I have recently received certification from the Green Check Program, developed by the Canadian Ecology Center in Mattawa, Ontario, as an instructor in GPS usage and map and compass skills. Details on the Green Check Program can be found at
I am wanting to offer a Basic Introduction to GPS course to Scouters and Venturers as a way of introducing GPS to the Waterloo Area scouting groups. As Akela in our section, the 21st Waterloo Cubs, I have been teaching GPS and the activity of Geocaching to our youth since last year and it has taken off as one of our favourite things to do (we found 2 more on our hike this past Saturday!). I feel that not only is Geocaching a great way to get our kids out into the outdoors and getting some exercise, it is a great way to introduce navigation skills to them.
The course I am preparing to offer at the moment will be free to Scouters and Venturers for the upcoming dates. This course will not be the actual Green Check Certification course, but rather a condensed version of the same course. If specific groups wish to have me in to do a certification course, we can discuss that for a later date. My intention with this intro course is to get leaders and venturers trained enough to get them out there sharing these skills with their youth.
The course will run for approximately 4 hours and will include the following topics:
- topographic maps
- UTM vs Lat/Long
- map reading
- using roamers
- datum
- compass work
- using bearings
- basic GPS knowledge
- GPS receivers
- marking a waypoint
- GOTO function
- creating routes
- changing datum, grid type, etc
- geocaching
- outdoor field work
The proposed date and time for this course is November 11th from 1pm until 5pm. The location for this course will be determined once we have the number of attendees down. It will be within the Kitchener/Waterloo area. If this date does not work out for you but you are interested, I may run it again on a different date. Please email me anyway indicating your interest. Yours in Scouting, Mark Hammar
There is a planning meeting on Wednesday January 17, 2007 at 7:00 PM at Scout House for next spring's North Waterloo Cuboree. The theme is "A 100yr Adventure". Contact Bruce Boehmer at (519) 574-2888 or Thank you Hello.
Thank you to all Colonies who have already registered for the Fall Beaveree, which is next Sunday, October 1. If your Colony wants to attend and has not registered (or not received a registration confirmation) please register by Tuesday September 26 by completing the registration form at If you have any questions please contact Bob Thorn at (519) 884-3383 or at Thank you.
The September issue of the North Waterloo Newsletter " The Wagon" is now available on the website from the following link
The final planning meeting for the Fall Beaveree is Thursday September 14, 2006 at 8:00 PM at Scout House. All Colonies planning to attend the Beaveree on Sunday October 1, 2006 should send a representative to the meeting. More information is available at Thank you
Nutrition for Learning volunteers run two Tim Horton's tents. One sells just beverages and the other sells beverages and cookies that can be decorated. This year the event will be held on August 19th and 20th. It takes place at Victoria Park in Kitchener and we usually need volunteers from about 10:00am until 4:30pm. It is a really busy couple of days but it's also a lot of fun. If it would be possible to get 4 or 5 volunteers for each day that would be great. If only a few people are interested that's fine too. We'd appreciate any help at all.
Volunteer Tasks: Perks of Volunteering: Please let Carol Cole know if you are available:
The Kwahadi Dancers are coming to the Theatre of the Arts, University of Waterloo on Monday July 31st at 7:00 p.m. door open at 6:30. Door Prizes will be made availble by the M4M team. Get your tickets now for this exciting show by the group that was the CCJ 05 headline Show.
This group of Scouts and Girl Scouts from Amarillo Texas present a thrilling and instrctive show of Native American Dances. Do not miss this opportunity. See the website for full information. Tickets available through Scout Shop.
Fellow Scouters
Your are invited to the roast beef dinner and Campfire. Please bring your own mess kit.
Dinner at 6:00 -- Campfire at 8:00
Dinner $5.00
Wednesday July 26, 2006
YIS Hello all Scouters.
Once again this year all Scouters are invited to the Wednesday night Cub campfire at Camp Everton on July 19. The campfire starts at 7:45 PM.
Sarah Kassa
Fellow Scouters,
North Waterloo Area is presenting the Kwahadi Dancers. This exciting scouting group was a headline attraction at the CCJ 2005. This year we have organized a making a Canadian Tour. You will have the opportunity to see them Juy 31, 7:00 p.m. a the University of Waterloo. There will be door prizes and a special ceremony to mark the countdown to the 100th anniversary of Scouting that will take place August 1, 2007. Order your tickets and pick them up a Scouthouse. See Peter Miller. The tickets will be available at the door. Please pass on this information to everyone, not just your scouting friends. This is an opportunity for everyone to see a great show and to hear about our great Scouting porgram.
Tickets Adults $9.50 Youth $7.25, all taxes etc included.
YIS Attention Colony Scouters!
The next Colony Scouters' Club meeting is Tuesday June 20th at 7:00 PM at Scout House. Come on out and meet other Colony leaders, swap ideas and have some fun. One of the items on the agenda is to continue the planning for the Fall Beaveree in October.
Please contact Bob Thorn by phone at 884-3383 or by e-mail at if you have any questions / comments.
Please pass this information on to all Colony Scouters you know.
See you on the 20th!
Bob Thorn
Fellow Scouters,
Tickets are now available.
The Kwahadi Dancers are coming to Waterloo Region on Monday July 31, 2006. We look forward to seeing you at the UofW Theatre of the Arts ( for an exciting and inspirational performance. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., performance starts at 7:00 p.m.. This event is about promoting Scouting. It will be the Kick Off by the Centennial Troop for the countdown to the 100th Anniversary of Scouting which will take place August 1st., 2007.
The Dancers are Boy Scouts of America Venture Crew 9 from Amarillo Texas. They have performed all over the USA and also last year at CCJ '05 at Tamaracouta. This is well worth seeing. Please check out the Canadian Tour website for full information. (
Tickets are $7.25 for youth (under 18) and $9.50 for adults. They are available from the Scout Shop 844 Frederick Street. The M4M Team will be providing door prizes. Kwahadi souvieniers will also be on sale.
Keep in mind that this event could also be used as part of the cultural awareness badge.
Be part of getting this message out to the scouting community and to the community at large.Pass this along to your friends and neighbours. This is an event to support scouting and to get our message out to the public.
You may attend the Scout Shop to pick up tickets or mail your order to Scouthouse 844 Frederick Street, Kitchener N2B 2B8. Cheques payable to Scouts Canada, 6th Wateloo Scouters' Club.
Thanks Cubs and Leaders from all Groups to join us this summer in the Wild West at Camp Everton! Experience the Wild West by joining us for a fun-filled week of hiking, archery, swimming, crafts, cray-fishing, cooking over fires, sleeping in the wilderness and participating in many games and activities. Send your 3rd year cubs to ACE camp, where they will sleep in tents and Adirondacks, and learn skills for their move up to Scouts. The cost for camp is $225, and you can visit the North Waterloo website at for the registration package and mailing address. For more information, please contact Sarah Kassa at 519-745-3067 or
May 11, 2006
Attention Colony Scouters!
Our second Colony Scouters' Club meeting is Tuesday May 16th at 7:00 PM at Scout House. Come on out and meet other Colony leaders, swap ideas and have some fun. One of the items on the agenda is to start the planning for the Fall Beaveree in October. We will also discuss what other activities we would like to do — ie fun stuff for US!
Please contact Bob Thorn by phone at 884-3383 or by e-mail at if you have any questions / comments.
Please pass this information on to all Colony Scouters you know.
See you on the 16th!
Bob Thorn
NWA cleanup weekend at Everton is set for This Weekend on April 29th. Start at 8:45 am with lunch provided for those who RSVP to
1st Freeport has reserved site at Halliburton from July 22, 2006 to July 29, 2006. We have Gohe Point. This site will hold up to 30 people comfortably. If another Scout group is interested in sharing the camp site with us they are more than welcome to contact us to discuss details.
You can contact Mark Panchaud at: Troops need to be aware of two things: Thank you for your help. The April issue of the North Waterloo Newsletter " The Wagon" is now available on the website from the following link
Attention White Tail Beavers!
North Waterloo Area is holding a White Tail Event for all of the White Tail Beavers in the area. This is a chance for White Tails to get together for an afternoon of fun and learn about Cubs. It will be held at Camp Mohawk in Kitchener. Activities include: The date of the Event is Sunday April 30th from 1:30 — 4:00 PM. The rain date is Sunday May 7th from 1:30 — 4:00 PM. The cost is $5.00 per person (White Tails, Leaders, Keeos) and includes a crest and snack.
For more information including the registration form check the Upcoming Events page on the North Waterloo website or contact Mark Zettler at 886-0387 or by e-mail at
Registration deadline is Friday April 21, 2006
Mark Zettler
Do you have youth who are nearly there. Then contact Jim Williamson at so that they are not left out. ALL APPLICATIONS SHOULD NOW BE IN BUT I WILL ALLOW A TWO (2) WEEK GRACE PERIOD FOR THOSE WHO ALWAYS PROCASTINATE
Interviews will be held at the end of April Jim Williamson We are looking for qualified lifeguards to work for two weeks at Everton Summer Cub Camp. Applicants should be at least 16 years of age, and fully qualified as a lifeguard. If you know of any Ventures, youth or anyone who has their requirements and would be available from July 9th — July 21st, please pass this onto them and have them contact me either by phone or email. Thank you.
YIS, To All Cub Leaders
The first meeting for the 'Kim the Toolman's Cuboree' had the best turnout in years. Lets make the second meeting the same this Wednesday March 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at Scout House 844 Frederick Street. A caution should be noted to all groups planning to attend this event that to date no registrations or numbers have been received. More information and a pre-registration forms are available at the following link Reminder of Meeitng
The Special General Meeting to vote on the motion to approve proceeding with legal action will be held as Scouthouse on Monday March 27th, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. (19:00h). Be sure that your group is represented by a person who has authority to vote.
To All Cub Leaders and Group Commissioners
After consultation with some of the Cub Leaders about the Everton Summer Cub Camp the following has been decided Your support of our Summer Programs is needed. We can not operate at a defecit. Let's get as many youth involved as possible
Yours in Scouting Attention Colony Scouters!
Want a chance to meet other Colony Leaders? Want to see what other Colonies are doing for games, crafts, outings, songs, spiritual ideas etc? Want to share your successes? Have you ever thought it would be fun to try something new with your Beavers? Would you like to attend a campfire with other Leaders and simply sit around and chat? Would you like to team up with other Colonies for a special event that your Beavers will remember for years to come?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions (or even "maybe"), then plan to attend the first Colony Scouters' Club meeting at Scout House on Thursday March 23rd from 8:00 — 9:30 PM. You will meet new friends and renew existing friendships. The Colony Scouters' Club could be similar to the existing Scouters' Club for Troop Leaders — or maybe not — it's up to us to decide what our club will be like!
We can use it to plan area wide events like a Beaveree or White Tail Day or whatever else we decide we would like to offer our Beavers. We can use it to plan fun events for Leaders only — maybe a campfire at Camp Mohawk or a night of bowling or a trip to Vegas (ok, maybe we'll have to wait until next year for that!) — it's up to us!
All we need is Leaders like you to come out and together with a little imagination we can come up with an idea or 2 that we can work with.
Everyone who attends will leave with a FREE craft idea!
Please contact Bob Thorn by phone at 884-3383 or by e-mail at Please pass this information on to all Colony Scouters you know.
See you on the 23rd!
Bob Thorn
This is a notice of a special general meeting of NWSPA. It is being held on March :27th 2006 at 7:30pm in the upstairs meeting room at Scout House.
It is to discuss the motion that was tabled at the last General Meeting. Please ensure that your group sends a delegate that has the authority to vote.
This is an open meeting that everyone can attend but only one person from each member group can vote.
( Member groups listed on Scout website under Property Association)
Dear Fellow Scouters,
Please Pass on this information to your fellow group members.
A number of Groups have asked me for clarification concerning the down side of our taking legal action to protect the interest of our North Waterloo Scouting Property. The question that has been posed by those groups is — what would be the financial impact if we lose. The short answer is that it is hard to say.
By way of background, our association was formed for the purpose of supporting our camps and giving the groups a say in the management of and priorities set related to our property. Stu Eley of the Provincial Incorporated Body was at that meeting. The members at that initial meeting voted to leave the question of legal proceedings off the table for the time being. In the meantime no progress was made and our Council would not even undertake a neutral stand on the issue, much less support us. If we do nothing the North Waterloo property will be able to be dealt with at the whim of the Provincial Incorporated Body which is totally controlled by Scouts Canada, according to our By-laws.
The basic answer is that question is that the Court could decided to impose on us the full legal costs incurred by the Provincial Incorporated Body. On an application those costs could range up to $60,000.00. Scouts Canada's interest in having the propety free and clear of any trust obligation is, of course, huge so they will not see the costs as prohibitive. There is only one case that I know of in which individuals were held liable to pay the costs related to an action by representatives of an association. That was a case in which the association was formed for no other reason than prosecuting a law suit. The chances of any individual being required by the Court to contribute to the costs is slim to remote. The possibility of the groups being reqired to contribute if we lose is a certainty. Becuase we are an unincorporated body we require a representation order. The representatives will need to feel that they are not personally vulnerable. This is why we are having a vote and making sure that every group that signs on is fully aware that they may have to contribute to any costs award. The representative plaintiffs also risk personal liability if the representatived groups would or could not pay. I am prepared to be a representative plaintiff.
The real question is — what is at stake and is it worth the risk. What is at stake is over 60 years of financial contributions, toil, sweat and committment by the North Waterloo Scouting Community. In my view the Provincial Incorporated Body is a bare trustee, we have a deed that says "in trust" right on its face, and we have proof by minutes of our District that the properties were paid for by North Waterloo members. Both the evidence and the equities of the situation are on the side of North Waterloo. We have 30 groups in North Waterloo, if we all stand behind this the distributive risk is, in my view, worth the possible financial impact. Over the last 60 years we have made a huge contribiution, this is not the time to let it go through apathy.
The stewardship of North Waterloo's property is our heritage. Either we are prepared to stand up or we should just let it go. Ask yourself, who will make the personal committment to a property that would be under the continuing threat of disposal? Why would anyone contribute time, money, management talent, planning, committee work, not to mention sweat equity to a property that is controled by a corporation that has zero accountability to the membership? Why would local organizations like the Lions, Masons, Rotary, etc contribute one cent to a provincial or national body? It will not happen.
Any one who wants to calll me on this feel free. 578-9010 ex.233
To read about it follow this link: Matter of Trust<
Or listen to this pod cast, I am on at the end if you want to scroll through: Pod cast<
YIS February 18, 2006
Please be advised that registrations for The Upcoming "Chief Scout" Standard First Aid Courses MUST be received Before February 24, 2006. On that Date classes will be cancelled.
If you have any questions regarding the course or course content please feel free to contact me at the following
YIS To All Cub Leaders
On Thursday February 23rd, 2006 at 8:00P.M. we will have a meeting to discuss Summer Cub Camp anf the Fees for this year. Several have indicated that they do not like what has been done with the Fees. This is your chance to discuss this important issue. Obviously your attendance is required if you do not feel that the fees as stated are justified. Further dissention will only be accepted from those who are in attendance at this meeting.
Yours in Scouting Thank you to everyone who reported a problem accessing The Wagon. That helped us correct the problem as soon as possible. The problem has been corrected, so The Wagon is now available from the link below.
To ensure you get the updated version of the page referenced by the following link, AFTER you click the link and see the list of available newsletters, click the "Refresh" button in your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer). You may then click the link to open the newsletter.
Here is the link:
Thank you The North Waterloo Newsletter " The Wagon" is now available on the website or from the following link
To All Group Commissioners and Leaders
In order to bring our youth, leaders and Area Activities closer together, I am pleased to advise you of new appointments to our North Waterloo Area executive team.
These folks will be the liaison among the various planning groups (eg Scouters' Club) for our Area section activities, the Area Commissioners' Team and our Group Commissioners. In this capacity their key functions are to communicate, coordinate and report on upcoming activities. In this way all of us will be better informed. These appointments are to our Area Executive Team. At this time they are not voting members of the Area Commissioners' Team.
These appointments will stand until the various section planning groups confirm the appointment or choose someone else who they wish to represent them.
For Beavers Bob Thorn Thank you to Bob, David, Ted, Jodi and Ken for accepting this additional responsibility. I know that we will have stronger and more effective Executive Team because of your commitment to excellence.
To All Cub Leaders
The first meeting for the 'Kim the Toolman Cuboree' had the best turnout in years. The next meeting is scheduled for March 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at Scout House 844 Frederick Street. More information and a pre-registration form is available at the following link: After many years of Yeoman service, David Wilson will not be with us this summer at Cub Camp. (David will be touring Africa this summer.) For this reason it gives me pleasure to announce that Sara Kassa and Pam Parker will be the directors of this summer's cub camp.
For many years we have had the benefits of a Grant to assist our Summer Cub program, this is no longer the case. This year the government has changed the tax structure and we are required to pay tax on the fees charged. As well, increasing costs for food and other program items forces us to make some fee changes.
There has been some confusion over the camp prices for this years Everton Summer Cub Camp. Even with these changes we are still providing one of the best experiances for youth and at one of the best prices around. We will be issuing a price comparison for other Cub Camps as they become available.
As always if there are specific hardship cases we will do all that we can to assist on a case by case basis.
If you have any questions or problems please contact me Kick off the B-P Scout/Guide Week with an outdoor Skate at the Kitchener City Hall Rink. Scouter Ted Claxton will be there with Hot Chocolate. It will be free to all scouts and leaders in uniform or wearing identifiable scouting gear. Others will be asked for a donation. Come on out for a skate and be part of the B-P week celebration. You can just drop by and say "Hi", take a short skate, or stay and skate till you drop. The purpose is to make Scouting visible in our community. Scouting is 99 years old this year! Help us let the community know that we are still a young organization.
Who — Everyone in Scouting and Guiding Contact Scouter Ted Claxton
Please note: Greetings,
I am sending this to most of my E-mail List, some may be duplicated but I
wanted to be sure everyone was aware of what the Toronto Blue Jays have
provided us for the Toronto-Boston Baseball Game on Sunday April 23, 2006.
These seat are being offered to Scouting for $25.20 ($42.00 regular seat)
and they are the 200 Club Level, 3rd Base Side (Executive padded seating).
They have blocked 480 Seats for us and I need to have confirmations by March
3, 2006. We have had cheques in for 102 seats to date but I have had calls
from people who were not aware of this special seat pricing. This is not a
Fundraiser but just an opportunity to have excellent seating at a lower
price for what should be a fantastic game. Please advise your Groups,
Family and Friends. It will be a fun filled afternoon and comfortable.
Regards, Cheques received will not be cashed
until the end of March 2006.
The Centennial Troop for this area is taking the lead on developing a celebratory event for Scouting in the Waterloo Region. In order to accomplish this they need the active support of the current leadership. Anyone who has ideas should sent them to Jim Tait. All leaders are encouraged to be part of the celebration being plannded World Wide to take place on August 1st, 2007. The next planning meeting will be on Tuesday, February 28 at NW Scout House. Submit ideas to Scouter Jim Tait (
It seems that Scouts Canada will accept legible copies of the completed Scout Popcorn order forms as well as originals incase someone doesn't want to send in the original.
I apologize for the mix up.
Good luck.
Pat Hicks
I have been asked to let you know about Scout Weekend, March 25th and 26th 2006 at the CN Tower in Toronto.
Sponsored by the Greater Toronto Council, this event is open to ALL Cub Packs and Scout Troops who wish to attend regardless of their Council.
There are a number of alternative program options available for this event. For further information, please view the attached flyer and/or contact
If you are unable to open the attached flyer, then visit the Website at: Thank you to all the groups who participated in the Popcorn Campaign for 2005. It was a super campaign which saw many groups raise funds for some great scouting programs — 22 in fact selling over $75,000.00 worth of good healthy product.
Please remember that any youth who filled a page of orders 25 lines is entitled to enter the draws that will take the month of February. You must still have the original sheet, as National will accept no copies. You must also mail it in, no faxes or emails are allowed either.
You can mail it to: Also, for those groups who were missing items — 5th Kitchener, 43rd Kitchener, 1st Waterloo, 1st Lexington, New Hamburg, 32nd Kitchener and 11th Kitchener — your items have arrived. Please contact me to arrange pick up.
Thanks. This Saturday Jan. 21st is the Annual Meeting of Scouts Canada CEC. It is in Mississauga. Starts at 9:30 Am. Anyone in Scouting can attend. Please contact me for location details.
Jim Williamson
Dear Scouters:
Please help us promote this workshop. Frank Brown DCC-Diversity, Ed Balyk CFE and John Plumadore CDD-Diversity will be offering this workshop in March. We experienced the workshop last year when offered by an outside consultant and now we are well versed to offer a subject that we have a passion for in a multi-faith society.
Cheers, John Pl
Reminder : a planning meeting is Wed. January 18th at 7:00 at Frederick SQ for Kim The Toolman Cuboree in May. If groups could send a Leader it would be appreciated. Please contact Bruce (Brewster) Boehmer with regrets.
Jim Tait, the Centennial Troop Patrol leader, is leading the preparations for the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Scouting that will be marked on August 1st, 2007. We need ideas and we need a committee to carry those ideas into a program for that day. Around the world "Sunrise" ceremonies and events for the day are being planned. If you would like to be part of organizing the events for North Waterloo then mark your calendar for the inaugural meeting to be held on Tuesday January 10th 2005 at Scouthouse at 7:30 p.m. In the meantime, if you have ideas or want to be on the list for information send a note to Scouter Ted Claxton at He will be assisting Jim Tait in organizing the agenda for the meeting. Be sure to speak to your youth members as this celebration is for them to carry Scouting into another century.
Just a quick reminder that all group popcorn orders must be received by mid-night Friday, October 28, 2005. Some of you have received an email from me with the right day, but the wrong date. Sorry about that. It is this Friday by mid-night. If for some reason you can't complete the form — and you only need to do the first "Group Tally Sheet", the rest will fill in itself — please send me an email. Any group doing popcorn this year that doesn't have the excel spreadsheets to complete please email me and I will send them off to you.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me at: Fellow Scouters,
I was the last one out and lock up at the 3R's on September 27th. A lonesome folding chair asked not to be left behind so it is in my car waiting for its owner to pick it up. Please contact Scouter Ted ( if you are missing this chair.
YIS We currently have 101 people (77 Beavers and 24 Leaders/Keeos) registered for the Beaveree this Sunday. We can take more beavers and leaders up to Wednesday September 28th.
Reminder about the registration deadline for the Fall Beaveree — it is this Thursday, September 22. The event and registration information is on the web site. The Beaveree is Sunday October 2. People may contact Bob Thorn ( ) if they have any questions.
We've added the link for booking Camp Everton to On-line booking Camp Everton (and other Central Ontario camps) is available.
Thanks Weekend Composite Cub Camp Sept. 30-Oct. 2.
Theme: Jedi Academy Registration is limited to 80 participants. Contact ASAP to confirm spaces.
Just a reminder that the 2005 Trails End Popcorn Packages have arrived at the Scout House and have been sorted into either Kitchener and close out lying area groups and Waterloo and out lying groups close to Waterloo. Please sign the appropriate sheet when you pick up your package. If you know of a group without email access to this message please pass it along.
Early next week the groups who have not been in to pick up their packages will receive a phone call to see if they will be participating in this super fundraiser this year. As there were not enough DVD's of the popcorn advertising to go around we are getting some more made and will let you know when you can sign one out for your group.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by phone at 743-8948.
Pat Hicks We are fast approaching a new and exciting Scouting year. With the 100th Anniversary of Scouting just around the corner, now is really a great time to increase our efforts to raise the awareness of our Scouting Program and to recruit more youth and adult members. Being a member of Scouts Canada during its centennial celebrations is going to be really special!
Over the last several months, a small group of your colleagues have been working on a strategy to positively impact our membership. The North Waterloo Area Marketing for Members (M4M) Committee is made up of Debra Bechamp, Phil Schmidt, Mark Weir, David White and Bob Kalbfleisch.
The major thrusts of this year's awareness and membership strategy are: The purpose of this note is to provide you with more details on the mall related activities and to seek your help in making these activities a success.
Dates and Times: What Has Been Arranged: Our Request: With everyone doing a little bit, we are confident that the success of the mall awareness activities will be reflected in our Group and Area membership numbers. We are asking that those folks who staff the display area wear their uniforms, but if you or a group colleague does not have a uniform, please do not hesitate to volunteer. Your enthusiasm for Scouting is what is really important--and needed at these events.
We will also need help in setting up and taking down the displays.
How to Volunteer: For Fairview Mall, please contact Debra Bechamp at or telephone her at 576-5138.
In order that schedules can be arranged for the events, may we ask for your reply by August 21st.
If you have any questions or comments, please contract Phil, Debra or myself. Thank you for your help in making our NWA awareness activities a success.
Yours in Scouting, August 10, 2005
I am the Akela for the 21st Waterloo Cubs. This coming year we
are going to spend some time learning about and using GPS receivers and
starting our own Geocache. We would like to find out which other Cub and Scout
groups have access to a GPS receiver with the hopes of starting an area wide
Scouting GPS Club that will promote mapping the area as well as
organize and create fun ways to integrate GPS into Scouting activities and promote
more interaction among the groups in the area. We will be creating a private
website that Scouting groups can use to log caches and track who has
visited theirs.
Contact: "Mike Onotsky" Thanks
Our first Planning Meeting for Cuboree 2006 will take place 7:00 Jan. 19, 2006 at the Scout HQ on Frederick St. Our theme will be "Tim the Toolman's Workshop". We will be planning the activity project for this event and assigning duties for all who attend. This will be a first of its kind Cuboree that will give each youth hands on experience with power and hand tools to do their project to earn them the Handicraft and Carpenter Badges. This will be a keep for a lifetime project. Please plan to attend and email Bruce Boehmer, YIS Bruce Boehmer 1st Bridgeport"
Dear Scouters;
On behalf of the directorship team for Everton Cub Camp I would like to
extend our thanks for your continued support of our programs. Without
help, support, and leadership that North Waterloo in particular
displays and
lends, our camp simply would not exist.
This year we made a difference to close to 200 youth, some of whom had
special needs and who may now benefit from a full year Scouting
The plans for next year are all ready in the works, and I know that the
directors can count on North Waterloo's continued support.
On a side note we are offering a unique opportunity for Pack Scouters
fall. We have decided to ressurect the Fall Composite Camp. It will
September 30-October 2 at Camp Everton. The cost will be $25/
which will cover Wheeler Lodge accomidation, prepared meals, a crest,
some program as well. Activities will include archery, crafts, hiking
I will be cutting registration off at 80 youth, so pre-registration is
Please email me with a confirmation that your pack will be attending
approximate numbers ( It is a Jedi Academy
so I think there will be lots of opportunity for fun. We will need
about 50
participants to make a go at this, so please respond ASAP.
Yours In Scouting Hi All
This is sent to all Leaders
We invite you to the Cub / Scout Camp Campfire on Wednesday July 27th at 8:00 P.M. at Camp Everton come out for an evening of Fellowship and good fun
Jim Williamson Hi All
This is sent to all Cub Leaders with E-Mail listed in MMS
We invite you to the Cub Camp Campfire on Wednesday July 20th at 8:00 P.M. at Camp Everton come out for an evening of Fellowship and good fun
Jim Williamson If you know a Scout who would like to go to camp the applications will be accepted until Thursday July 21st. After that date contact Scouter Ted Claxton at 578-9010 ext 233 for special consideration. We have some assistance funds availalble. Last call to get on board for Everton Summer Camp both Camping and Hiking sections. Sponsor links: fuel card . Floor Polishing Company
Mike Onotsky
Akela, 21st Waterloo Cubs
Room is still available for the North Waterloo Sixer Weekend on Friday October 20 — 22, 2006 at Camp Everton. More Information and the registration form is here:
1) Helping children decorate cookies — basically putting icing and sprinkles on cookies as directed by the children. We need at least 4 volunteers
doing this at all times. These volunteers need to like children, and be friendly and out going.
2) Support crew — where there is icing and sprinkles you know there will be a mess! We need 2 volunteers to keep things as tidy as possible. Involves wiping up, stocking supplies, letting the Tim Horton's people know when we are running low on coffee or cookies.
3) Cookie Tent beverage person — Fills coffee and drink orders. (1 volunteer)
4) Beverage Tent — Need three volunteers to fill orders, tidy up.
1) A fun day, helping a good cause. Raising funds for breakfast programs across Waterloo Region.
2) Lunch, snacks, drinks provided.
3) Volunteer experience for your resume! Can also be used for high school community service hours.
4) Tim Horton's hats and T-Shirts
Scouter Ted
Scouter Ted Claxton
Scouter Ted Claxton
Cub Camp #1 – July 9th – 14th
Cub Camp #2 – July 16th -21st
ACE Camp – July 16th – 21st
Work: 519-745-1926
Home: 519-894-3227
No matches are allowed on site because one of our members is severely allergic to sulphur. Flint or Barbecue lighters for starting fires.
Must be leaders and youth.
Mark Panchaud
- games
- hike
- craft
- jungle story
- campfire complete with songs, skits and smores
North Waterloo will honour these youth on Thursday May 25th
Central Escarpment is on June 11th
Details for both of these Ceremonies to Follow
Area Commissioner
North Waterloo Area
ACE camp will be run in conjunction with the second week of Cub Camp, and will be from Sunday July 16th — Friday July 21st.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide T-shirts for camp this year. Please disregard the T-shirt order form that was included in the Camp Brochures
Sarah Kassa
NW Scout Property Association
1) Only two (2) weeks are being offered for Cub Camp. There will not be a Foundation Camp or ACE Camp on their own. They will be incorporated into the two weeks of Cub Camp. Those weeks are -first week July 9th to 14th and second week July 16th to 21st
2) The fees for Youth are $225.00 each. If you have youth who can not afford this and your group has exhausted all avenues to assist those youth then contact Jim Williamson and we will discuss what can be done to assist you and
3) The $50.00 leaders fee is waived
Jim Williamson
Area Commissioner
North Waterloo Area
Scouter Ted
Mike Smith
First Aid Services
25 Ramsay Avenue
Cambridge ON N3C3B6
Jim Williamson
Area Commissioner
North Waterloo Area
Bob Thorn
For Cubs David Wilson
For Scouts Ted Claxton
For Venturers & Rovers Jodi Bell
For the North Waterloo Scout Property Association TBA
For the Wagon (Newsletter) Ken Coyle
To All Cub Leaders and Group Commissioners
All cubs attending Cub or ACE Camp, the fee is $225.00
ALL Leaders, SITs and Volunteers attending will now have a fee of $50.00. This $50.00 will help to cover the costs of food as well as their T-shirt and Crest.
Jim Williamson (519) 725-5442
Area Commisssioner
North Waterloo Area
February 1, 2006
Where — Kitchnerer City Hall Ice Rink
What — B-P Skating Party
When — 5:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m.
Date: Saturday February 18th
The youth chess tournament will be on at the City Hall Rotunda during that time. If you go inside be sure to respect the chess players who need a quiet forum for their concentration. You are invited to watch but no comments from the peanut gallery.
416-490-6364 ext 239 or e-mail above.
Fill It up
c/o 1345 Baseline Road
Ottawa, ON
K2C 0A7
Pat Hicks
Popcorn Co-coordinator 2005
Pat Hicks
October 13, 2005
Bob Thorn
Open to all Cubs, cost per participant $25
North Waterloo Area Popcorn Coordinator
--the placement of full page ads in the Kitchener and Waterloo Fall Leisure Magazines that will be distributed throughout the area in the next few weeks. (Watch for it).
--the establishment of a special email account (
--establishing a volunteer-run Area office at ScoutHouse. (More info on this will follow).
--Awareness/recruitment information displays at area malls.
-Conestoga Mall, Waterloo: Saturday August 27 (9:30am to 6pm) and Sunday August 28 (12noon to 5pm).
-Fairview Mall, Kitchener: Saturday September 10 (9am to 5pm) and Sunday September 11 (11am to 3pm).
For both events, the necessary contracts with the mall management are being arranged, Scouts Canada exhibits will be displayed, handout information will be provided and an opportunity to get more information about Scouts in general or a specific NWA Group will also be available.
To be successful, we need you and your Group leaders/volunteers to help in staffing the display areas. We are asking you to consider providing 2 hours
of your valuable time during any of the above noted times and extending this invitation to the other leaders/volunteers in your Group.
It's really simple.
For Conestoga Mall, please contract Phil Schmidt at or telephone him at 745-4854.
BoB Kalbfleisch
Marketing for Members
North Waterloo Area Scouts
Mike Onotsky
David G. Wilson
Area Commissioner North Waterloo Area
Area Commissioner North Waterloo Area